JUDr. Ján Pavlík

JUDr. Ján Pavlík


T: +421 55 694 39 91
M: +421 948 402 642
E: pavlik@hhpartners.eu

JUDr. Ján Pavlík graduated at the Faculty of Law, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice in 2018. After he finished his studies, he has become a junior lawyer in Law office h&h PARTNERS, advokátska kancelária s.r.o. In 2017 he studied at the Faculty of Law in Krakow – Wydzial Prawa i Administracji Uniwesytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakówie, within Erasmus+ mobility. During of the university studies he was working as a legal assistant in Law office. His professional activities in the field of medical law developed in publishing professional articles on the website www.medipravnik.sk and www.pacientskekauzy.sk


  • The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Law, (2016), Bachelor of Laws – Bc.
  • The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Law, (2018), Master of Laws – Mgr.
  • The University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Law, (2021), Doctor of Laws – JUDr.


Comercial and civil law

In the field of commercial law is Mgr. Ján Pavlík in the cooperation with a partner of the office JUDr. Tomáš Husovský and he primarily specializes in contract law, law of obligations and company law. Within the civil law is he focuses on contract law, employment law, real estate law and intellectual property law. A large part of the agenda constitutes of compensation for damage to health in a traffic accident, but also in connection with the incorrectly provided health care.

Medical law

JUDr. Ján Pavlík in the cooperation with JUDr. Ivan Husovský paying attention to the medical law too. This segment is visible not only in the analysis and representation of clients in medical-legal disputes, but also in the cooperation with the mediPRAVNIK project, which is focused on helping outpatient care providers and consultancy services in favor of the Chamber for Medical Law – MEDIUS o.z. He also cooperate with the project patient cases, which is focused on helping patients. It mainly deals with the provision of legal services to healthcare providers, health documentation issues, liability for damage to health care and patient rights. He also provides advice to healthcare providers. At the same time he also participates in the preparation of documents for healthcare providers

Personal data protection

JUDr. Ján Pavlík also deals with the issue of personal data protection. In this field he focuses in particular on analyzing the relationships between the operator and the intermediary. He also deals with the development of documentation for the protection of personal data for business entities. Besides he provides advice on subjects in this area.

Publikačná činnosť

Publications in electronic journals

  • PAVLÍK, J.: V pacientskom sumári má pribudnúť viac informácií od psychiatrov. In: medipravnik.sk (online) 29.08.2018. Dostupné na: http://www.medipravnik.sk/clanky/v-pacientskom-sumari-ma-pribudnut-viac-informacii-od-psychiatrov-351/
  • PAVLÍK, J. Zabezpečovacie inštitúty v obchodných záväzkových vzťahoch. In: Ochrana práv veriteľov o obchodných záväzkových vzťahoch 2017. Zborník príspevkov z V. študentského sympózia z obchodného práva . Košice : Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach 2018.